9.3 |
07-Mar-2003 |
Settings Window:
Layout: new settings for gradient note background
Calendar: new setting to optionally display active alarms
Various: optionally disable positioning of notes in visible screen area if
screen resolution changes
Note List Window:
new window for note list settings in Options menu
optionally display small icons for folders
new optional list columns: "Alarm Expires" and "Folder"
Alarm Window:
new optional expiry date for alarms
Alarm Confirmation Window:
customize the number of minutes when to remind again
9.2 |
12-Nov-2002 |
new main menu item to show/hide the desktop calendar
new settings section for the desktop calendar
notes outside of visible screen area are repositioned automatically
delayed display of next alarm while moving mouse cursor over taskbar icon
new high color icons
ATnotes should run under older Windows versions again
9.11 |
20-Sep-2002 |
new various setting to enable/disable display of next alarm while moving mouse
cursor over taskbar icon
pressing the SHIFT key during note deletion bypasses the recycle bin
fixed absence of alarm confirmation message box
9.1 |
12-Aug-2002 |
support for Windows XP themes
new various setting to optionally display the notes with a drop shadow under
Windows XP
new various setting to optionally append pasted text to existing note text
improved display of next alarm when mouse cursor is over taskbar icon
notes no longer disappear if the "Show Desktop" command is used
new help system
9.01 |
22-Feb-2002 |
Alarm Window:
new option to repeat the audio signal until the alarm has been confirmed
Note List Window:
removed wrong message "Delete selected notes?" when restoring notes from
recycle bin
fixed display of wrong note menu when switching between recycle bin and other
deleting notes with the DEL key now also works in recycle bin
Settings Window:
inserting initial text in the "New Note" section by menu now works correctly
9.0 |
08-Feb-2002 |
Note List Window:
organize notes in customizable folders
view/restore deleted notes in/from recycle bin
view today's notes at a glance
Note Menu:
assign customizable folders to notes
Settings Window:
change saved layouts by saving again with existing name
set default folder for new and incoming notes
optionally delete notes to recycle bin
print notes with customizable zoom factor
optionally display menus in Windows XP style
optionally flip main menu
specify the files used to store notes and recycle bin
Search Window:
optionally search for whole words only
8.3 |
14-Dec-2001 |
Settings Window:
new layout setting for random colors from user defined color list
Send To Window:
fixed tab order (to insert a tab stop in the text field press Ctrl+Tab)
same context menu for text field as for notes during editing
list of computer names is saved when closing window without sending
computer names in list are editable by left double clicking on them
support for computer names with blank characters, if they are put between
double quotation marks
Note List Window:
assigning saved layouts to notes now works correctly
last sort order is restored when opening the window
Main Menu:
the commands "New Note" and "Paste Note" are no longer displayed in a submenu
if no saved layouts are present
8.21 |
09-Oct-2001 |
fixed absence of color options "Automatic" and "More Colors" in layout settings
for languages other than german
8.2 |
02-Oct-2001 |
new color options in layout settings: automatically set text color to black or
white depending on which provides the higher contrast to the background color,
automatically set border color equal to background color
fixed program crash when using mouse wheel in various section of settings
8.1 |
29-Aug-2001 |
enhanced color selection in layout section of settings
added support for WINDOWS key in keyboard section of settings
note window and note list now support the following keys: ENTER = edit note,
DEL = delete note, SUBTRACT (-) = minimize note, ADD (+) = restore note, SPACE
= open alarm window
fixed wrong sort order in note list after changing view
8.01 |
20-Jul-2001 |
when trying to paste more than 2000 characters of text, a warning message is
displayed that the text will be truncated
improved standard audio signal with computer speaker for Windows NT/2000
(disabled for Windows 95/98/ME)
fixed multiple sending of notes if the recipient has been specified both in the
edit box and the recipient list
8.0 |
01-Jun-2001 |
save and restore layouts in the layout settings
quickly assign saved layouts to notes from the note menu
create and paste new notes with saved layouts from the main menu
specify a saved layout for incoming notes from other computers in the network
new network setting to make incoming notes "always on top"
browse the network neighborhood for computers in the "Send To" window
check the online availability of computers in the "Send To" window
new setup
7.4 |
13-Apr-2001 |
a taskbar button is now displayed for open ATnotes windows
new settings for new notes: automatically open alarm window after editing and
specify the cursor position for initial text
new various settings define the time to announce an alarm in the taskbar icon
before it actually goes off and the number of times to flash the taskbar icon
on announcement
the next upcoming alarm is displayed when moving the mouse cursor over the
ATnotes icon in the taskbar
fixed a program crash when using the select all/reverse selection commands in
the note list window with no notes displayed
7.3 |
01-Mar-2001 |
new layout settings for Windows 2000: make a certain note color completely
transparent and set the transparency of the whole note
fixed a note display problem caused by certain languages on Windows 2000
if ATnotes fails to add its icon to the taskbar at startup, ATnotes keeps on
trying until success or until the user cancels in the displayed window
changed font used in ATnotes windows to Windows 2000 standard font "Tahoma
7.2 |
25-Jan-2001 |
new setting to minimize new notes automatically after editing
"remind again in X min." in alarm confirmation message box is now available for
all alarm types
incoming notes from other computers are now displayed even if the "show notes"
option is not activated
in Windows NT/2000 task manager there is no longer an entry displayed for each
7.1 |
01-Dec-2000 |
the alarm confirmation message box now allows to change the alarm or to remind
again in a specified number of minutes
new various setting to define the tab width for notes
new various setting to define the action for double clicks on taskbar icon
optional audio signal for incoming notes from other computers
7.01 |
18-Oct-2000 |
fixed a bug where incoming notes from other computers not always appeared in
an error message is displayed if the Run alarm action and the Open command from
the note menu fails
7.0 |
22-Sep-2000 |
send notes to other computers in a network
optional translation of user interface to other languages
new hotkeys for the Search and Send To commands
new layout setting to use random colors for new notes
added help support
added icons to menus
6.81 |
25-Aug-2000 |
fixed a bug where ATnotes used wrong times if the daylight saving flag was
active in certain time zones
fixed a bug in the settings window where sometimes settings in the "various"
section were lost when the OK button was pressed
6.8 |
11-Jul-2000 |
"copy" and "layout copy" in note menu are combined to a single command which
copies the note as text, layout and bitmap
"paste" in note menu allows to choose the type of data to paste: text + layout,
text only or layout only
extended "undo" command in main menu: undo edit, paste, delete and format lines
on single or multiple notes
minimized notes automatically are reminimized after modification
new various setting to print notes without note border
view settings in the note list are saved and restored
notes cannot be modified if data file is set to readonly
6.71 |
13-Jun-2000 |
all hotkey combinations are now available in the keyboard section of the
settings window
fixed failure of "select all" and "reverse selection" in the note list
6.7 |
26-May-2000 |
new alarm type: repeat alarm daily
new columns for alarm action and audio signal in note list
columns in note list can be activated and deactivated (menu options/columns)
new command line parameter for definition of data file (instead of default data
file ATnotes.dat, e.g. "ATnotes.exe C:\MyDirectory\MyDataFile.xyz")
new various setting for flash interval in millisec. for alarms with flashing
6.63 |
09-May-2000 |
notes can be exported to a text file in the note list
new setting for separator line between notes when exporting to text file and
copying to clipboard
insert file shortcuts while editing notes through the right click context menu
when turning off "always on top" from the main menu all notes are back on the
remembers last time set in alarm and hide window
fixed a bug where program windows were covered by always on top notes
fixed a bug when opening file shortcuts with blanks in file path: put path
between double quotation marks (")
6.62 |
11-Apr-2000 |
fixed a crash when trying to paste a new note longer than 2048 characters
new layout setting for use of desktop colors
6.61 |
07-Apr-2000 |
alarm action "bring to top" now hides a note which was hidden before the alarm
correctly after flashing
if alarm type "delete note after alarm" and alarm action "bring to top" are
specified at the same time the note now is deleted correctly after flashing
6.6 |
06-Apr-2000 |
new layout setting for left/centered/right alignment
various new settings for initial cursor position when editing and appearance of
date selection calendar
alarm action "bring to top" now flashes the note (click on note to stop
every file type is now available for alarm action "run" (like the note command
reorganized note hiding: all options are set in one window, new option to hide
notes for a period of time
fixed a bug where auto expanding notes sometimes were covered by other windows
lines are broken only at spaces when formatting lines
6.5 |
24-Mar-2000 |
new option to display notes in full size while mouse cursor is over the note
user defined initial text for new notes
insert date/time during note editing through the right click context menu
notes with long lines of text can be formatted to fit a user defined note size
new option to automatically format lines when pasting text from the clipboard
dotted selection rectangle is displayed only if a note has input focus
fixed a bug where sometimes unintentional new notes were created
6.0 |
02-Mar-2000 |
select multiple notes on the desktop by holding down CTRL key while left
clicking on the notes
custom alarm action for each note: message box, bring note to top or run a
different audio alarm signals for each note
export/import notes to/from a file in the note list
new options to view notes in the note list normal, minimized or restored
note list now has an optional toolbar
5.51 |
16-Feb-2000 |
new option to search notes case sensitive or not case sensitive
new search history contains the last 16 searches
new option to hide the note from alarm window
fixed a bug in repeated alarms, where multiple alarm message boxes appeared if
the next repeated alarm was before the current time
5.5 |
20-Jan-2000 |
search for notes containing a specified text
show/don't show all notes (independet from hiding individual notes)
new option to ask before deleting single notes
undo last deletion of a single note
alarm can be set to a specified period of time from now on
new option to indicate if not the whole note text fits in the current note size
5.4 |
05-Jan-2000 |
notes can be minimized to the first line of text
note size can be restored to fit the whole text
show all / visible / hidden / alarm notes in note list
select all notes and reverse note selection in note list
note list now has menus and a statusbar
new settings for printing: automatically use default printer, print in color
5.33 |
27-Dec-1999 |
multiple notes can be selected in note list for copying, deleting, printing and
improved printing: multiple notes, note border, color if supported by printer
tab stops are now inserted correctly when pressing the TAB key
5.32 |
17-Dec-1999 |
new hotkey for opening note list
pressing ENTER key in note list edits the selected note
fixed a bug where always on top notes covered new notes during editing
5.31 |
13-Dec-1999 |
increased time field width to fit times with AM/PM
made all fonts available for selection
5.3 |
10-Dec-1999 |
clicking outside the note during editing saves the note
notes remain visible when other ATnotes windows are opened
new option to make each note always on top separately
paste text from clipboard to an already existing note
copy/paste note layout to/from clipboard
create or paste new notes with the layout of an already existing note
open URLs, e-mail adresses and file shortcuts in notes with the associated
additional settings define how much space to leave between cascading new notes
test audio signal in alarm settings
increased maximum text size from 1024 to 2048 characters
notes are also editable in the note list
5.2 |
30-Nov-1999 |
note list window displays all current notes
fixed a problem with aligning in languages with right-to-left reading order
5.1 |
17-Nov-1999 |
copy/paste note text to/from clipboard
always on top option
notes can be hidden
repeatable alarms
option for automatic deletion of note after alarm
additional option to signal alarm with computer speaker
new system-wide hotkeys to paste new notes and toggle always on top
5.0 |
05-Nov-1999 |
changed name from DeskNotes to ATnotes
custom layout for each note
custom system-wide hotkey to create new notes
custom wavesound playable at alarm
notes are stored in file instead of registry
4.6 |
28-Oct-1999 |